Thanks to...

This is a list of links to people and sites that make my site what it is!

Site Layout:

Overall site inspo is from

Most of my site layout is made from 2 column layouts

Gallery layout (edited by me)

Major help from W3schools specifically:

how to section

Image gallery turned video gallery layout (edited by me)

Amazing users of Codepen (pls credit where credit is due!)

Super cool music player!

Photo Credits

Most, if not all should be listed in the link section but here are some of my faves!

Major photo source from Beautiful Voices

Baby V.O.X forum Vox Avenue

V.O.X Fansite Allfrees

Kim EZ/V.O.X Fansite Baby V.O.X TV

Many V.O.X fan cafes that cannot be listed here but are in the links section!

Video Credits

SBS + KBS + MBC (bought by me)

Special thanks to you who is reading this right now, Baby V.O.X, and Baby Angels all over the world! I LOVE YOU!!!